Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Lord, Teach Me to Pray

9 Pray then like this:
Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be your name.
10       Your kingdom come,
Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
11       Give us this day our daily bread,
12       And forgive us our debts,
As we also have forgiven our debtors.
13       And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.

Matthew 6:9-13

Lord, teach me to pray just as You taught Your disciples. I am not asking for a method or a plan. I am asking that You make my heart like the tax collector — that I would be so broken over my sin that I would beat my chest and cry out for Your help (Luke 18:13). Teach my heart the depths of my need that I might pray to You with a broken spirit and a contrite heart (Psalm 51:17).

six marks of a solid prayer life

Teach Me Deep Truths

Teach me deep truth that I might pray with understanding and intimate knowledge. I know in my mind that Your name is hallowed and I believe in my heart that You are utterly holy. But when Jesus said, “Hollowed be your name,” He was not speaking from a theological understanding but from a personal relationship. He had forever beheld the Glory of the Holy Father and displayed that Glory perfectly.

So, He calls You hallowed from a place of true adoration, having fully seen Your manifold goodness. Yet, my heart is broken by sin, and my eyes see only dim shadows of Your infinite worth. Change my heart, O God, that I might savor You, and give me eyes that truly see Your greatness.

Show Me the Riches of Salvation

O God, show me the riches of my salvation. Jesus knew the price He would pay to forgive the debts of the world. He had seen the depths of depravity that plagued the souls of men. And He was fully prepared to receive the wrath of God that was to be poured out on that sin. Even so, He instructs His disciples to seek God’s forgiveness, knowing that He would be the One to purchase forgiveness for them.

But my heart does not understand the depths of my own depravity. I am unable to imagine the great cost You have paid for my sin. Make the weight of the cross clear to me that my heart would never be ungrateful again. Help me to see the weight of my body of sin that You have abolished that I might present myself to You as an instrument of righteousness (Romans 6:13). 

Give Me Hope in Your Kingdom

Lord, I long for the day that Your kingdom comes. Yet, my hope wavers amid life’s storms. I often do not consider the sufferings of this age worthy to be compared to the Glory to come (Romans 8:18), so give me faith in Your promises that I may live in the hope of Your salvation. 

Let Your Will be Done

Lord, make my heart like Christ’s at Gethsemane crying out, “not my will but yours be done.” He trusted You even while baring the anguish of the cross. Yet even when my mouth says, “let your will be done,” my heart still longs for You to do my will, and obey my wants. I know that no man can give You council, yet I often seek to give You instruction about my needs. But here, Jesus tells me that God already knows all my needs (Matthew 6:8). So, show me Lord what I need and help me to trust You to meet those needs. Teach me to surrender my will to You.

Help Me Trust in Your Provision

Help me, Lord, to trust in Your provision. Without You, Lord, I have nothing, no food, no home, no faith, no hope, no joy, and no salvation. But You have not withheld any good thing from me (Psalm 84:11). Even so, I often live as if I am the provider and sustainer of my life. I act as if You are unwilling to provide for me that which You give so freely to the sparrow and to the lily.

Truly, I am too prideful to pray as Jesus does here, so break my pride and humble my heart that I would see how deeply I need You. And even though my need for You is deep, the abundance by which You meet that need is even deeper.

Thank You, God

In the end, Lord, I cry out with the Apostle Paul,

“Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord…There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus for the Law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and of death.”

Romans 7:24-8:2

Thank You, God, though my faith is weak, it is also a gift from You (Ephesians 2:8-9). Thank You that in my weakness You are strong (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). Thank You that no one could ever separate me from the Love of God that is in Jesus Christ (Romans 8:35). Thank You for convicting me of sin through Your word.

Teach my heart to pray in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ.


The Glory of God changes everything


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