spiritually tangled up in life's struggles

Spiritually Tangled Up In Life’s Struggles

I’ve been thinking about how our lives seem to be a tangled mess of threads — at least from our viewpoint. Yet, God sees a divine design created specific for His purpose.

Remember the tie-dye days? (Seriously, I have no idea why I latched on to that brain wave.) Our life is but a breath — our existence but a thread. God designs the threads that make up His eternal tapestry, and He places every thread just how and where He wants it.

Those things in life which disappoint us, distract us, strangle us, and entangle us are the very things that tightly tie us in life’s difficulties. These struggles are the points where God works to dye (transform) our thread (life) with the brilliance of His presence. God tie-dyes the thread (me) through each experience and situation that He orchestrates for His honor and glory.

“Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise — the fruit of lips that confess His name” (Hebrews 13:15).

A sacrifice of praise forfeits “me” for Him. The obsessions with “my” are laid on the altar that I might praise and worship Him…

My “rights” in life (things I think are mine to have; things that I think should be, but aren’t)
My struggle to hold on to the past
My anxiety and worry about the future
My pain and sorrow
My disappointments
My distractions
My failures
My fears

And so the “my” obsessions go …exchange the “my” for confessing His Name!

“If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing he deceives himself” (Galatians 6:3).

The Glory of God changes everything


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