Finding Joy in the Mundane

We all experience the mundane to some extent. Whether you’re the mom who’s up to her eyeballs in laundry and diapers, or the gal who sits in hours of rush-hour traffic or dull business meetings, the fact is, not every little thing you do feels important and exciting.

The good news is that by God’s grace, we as believers get to make even the mundane pieces of life count for something much grander! Because every moment can be spent to God’s glory, we can experience great joy while folding a depressingly high stack of brochures or sweeping up Cheerios (again). Ironically, as I write this, I’m watching my clothes go ’round and ’round in a laundromat dryer, and I’m reminded of how easy it is to let these everyday tasks be something I just try to get through.

But God commands us: “Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father” (Colossians 3:17). One way to practice that principle is by intentionally sitting in God’s presence while our hands are busy with “mindless” tasks. In so doing, we can experience the joy of the Lord regardless of our circumstances. “In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever” (Psalm 16:11 b).

John Piper writes, “When Satan huffs and puffs and tries to blow out the flame of your joy, you have an endless supply of kindling in the Word of God.” Our flesh may be tempted to waste our mundane minutes, but in so doing we miss out on the great joy that can be found in doing everything as a service to the King. We can have victory in this area by going to God’s Word and seeking His presence to reignite His joy in our hearts.

In her book Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full, Gloria Furman writes, “In the context of eternity…we need to see our mundane moments for what they really are — worship.”

When we set a habit of seizing these opportunities to commune with God, we may even find ourselves eagerly anticipating monotonous work and the joy that doing it to our Savior’s glory brings. How wonderful it is to serve a God who can be enjoyed and honored in even the most menial of duties!

There is joy in serving Jesus
As I walk alone with God
‘Tis the joy of Christ my Saviour
Who the path of suffering trod
There is joy, joy
Joy in serving Jesus
Joy that throbs within my heart
Every moment, every hour
As I draw upon His power
There is joy, joy
Joy that never shall depart

 (“Joy in Serving Jesus” by Oswald J. Smith and Bentley D. Ackley)

The Glory of God changes everything


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